Western Cape Association of Flower Arrangers (WCAFA)

 contact details & FLOWER CLUBS


8                                                      PRESIDENT: Maureen Dennis                                                             Cell: 082 950 5135 / e-mail: maureendennis@gmail.com

TREASURERS: Ewald Wessels 
                                         Cell:  082 920 7579 | e-mail: jewes@sun.ac.za                                               

                                                         SECRETARY:  Pat van Zeyl                                                             Cell:  072 939 7762 / e-mail: pattyvanzeyl.pvz@gmail.com

Judges’ Panel:

                                                     CHAIRPESON:  Suzanne Trafford                                                       Cell: 082 977 1948 / e-mail: gingerlily16@gmail.com

Demonstrators’ Panel:

                                                      CHAIRPERSON: Dirk Greef-Cronje                                                           Cell: 082 923 3468 I e-mail: dirkcronje@gmail.com

Teachers’ Panel

CONTACT PERSON:  Jackie Theron
Cell: 083 294 0606 | e-mail: jackie@etime.co.za


Camps Bay Floral Art And Gardening Club

CHAIRPERSON: Dirk Greeff-Cronje
 Cell: 082 923 3468 / e-mail: dirkcronje@gmail.com

Meetings are held at St. Peter’s Anglican Church Hall, cnr. The Fairway and Park Road, Camps Bay. Meetings are on the third Wednesday morning every month from January to November.


 Floribunda Flower Club 

CHAIRPERSON: Maureen Dennis
Cell:  082 905 5135 / e-mail: maureendennis@gmail.com

Meetings are held in the Constantia Christ Church Hall, Main Road, Constantia.   Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month at 9:30am 


Durbanville Flower Club

CHAIRPERSON: De-Mara Bezuidenhout
Cell: 083 263 7596 / e-mail: mwdemara@mweb.co.za

Meetings are held at the Methodist Church Hall, Bowlers Avenue, Durbanville.      Meetings are on the first Wednesday morning of every month from February to November.

Evergreen Flower Club

CHAIRPERSON: Dawn Petersen
Cell: 083 700 3083 | e-mail: dawn.p@mweb.co.za

Meetings are held at the Evergreen Resource Centre, 4 Evergreen Street, Gaylee, Blackheath.
Meeting are held on varying dates, so please phone for details.

Floral Trends Design Group

                                                 CHAIRPERSON: Suzanne Trafford                                                     Cell: 082 977 1948| e-mail: gingerlily16@gmail.com

Meets will be held at different venues in Somerset West.
Meetings are on the third Saturday morning of every month from January to November.


CHAIRPERSON: Charmaine La Croix
Tel/Fax: (023) 626 5085 | Cell: 079 571 1852 | email: lacroixcharmaine@gmail.com

                   Meetings are held at the Robertson Museum, unless otherwise indicated.                       Meetings are on the second Thursday from February to November.

George Blommeklub

CHAIRPERSON: Jackie Theron
Cell: 083 294 0606 / e-mail: jackie@etime.co.za

Meetings are held in the George Suid NG Kerksaal at 9:30.
Meetings are on the second Wednesday morning of every month from January to November.

Ikebana Cape Region

         For details of different schools and Ikebana happenings in the Cape Town area, please                                                                                     contact                                                                                                        Belinda Soboil 082 462 0521 bsoboil@absamail.co.za (Ohara)                                                         Mignon Fricker 079 024 4426 mignon.fricker@icloud.com (Sogetsu)                         Edith Rule 082 457 2f964 mwemrule@iafrica.com (Ikenobo)


Saturday Flower Club

Tel: (021) 689 5225 | Cell: 071 462 5101 e-mail: joysmith@abeliaplace.co.za

Meetings are held at St. Thomas’s Church Hall, Campground Road, Rondebosch.
Meetings are on the first Saturday morning of every month from February to November.

Stellenbosch Flower Club

CHAIRPERSON: Lorraine Rose
Tel: (021) 855 3444 | Cell: 083 234 7482 | e-mail: rose.lorraine257@gmail.com

Meetings are held at the N.G. Church Hall, Alexander Street, Stellenbosch West.
Meetings on the third Tuesday morning of every month from February to November. There is no meeting in July.

Tygerberg Tuin-en Blommeklub

CHAIRPERSON: Beatrix Lambert-Bestbier
Cell: 082 873 9864 | e-mail: trixlambert@gmail.com

Meetings are held in the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk (Tygerberg), ME Rothman Straat 29, Parow Noord.
Meetings are on the third Wednesday morning of every month from February to November.